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A new report on gene editing in the Primary industries is highlighting the opportunities for the economy and the environment, if we choose to use it. In the past New Zealand has had a cautious approach to this technology, currently regarded as genetic modification under NZ law, but being too conservative, it's feared, could close the door to important revenue streams and scientific advances. It's the third report from the Royal Society Te Apārangi's Gene Editing in Aotearoa project. Barry Scott is Chair of the Society's multidisciplinary gene editing expert panel and Professor of Molecular Genetics at Massey University.
The Society is seeking public feedback on the paper and holding three workshops around the country this month to discuss the findings.
Hamilton | Wednesday 10 October, 9:45am - 2:30pm, The Verandah, Rotoroa Drive, Hamilton Lake
Napier | Monday 15 October 9:45am - 2:30 pm, Napier Conference Centre, Exhibition Room, 48 Marine Parade
Dunedin | Tuesday 23 October 10:00am - 2:30 pm, The Dunedin Centre, Fullwood Room, 1 Harrop St