Nights' resident screen critic is back with a selection of weekend viewing suggestions.
The Last Journey (Hammar/Wikingsson, 2024). The most successful Swedish documentary of all time (and the Swedish entry for the Best International Feature Academy Award), well-known Swedish tv comedians Filip Hammar and Fredrik Wikingsson take Hammar’s elderly father on a road trip to the south of France in order to rekindle his lost love for life. (In Cinemas)
The Gorge (Derrickson, 2025). A sci-fi-horror-thriller-romance about two crack snipers (Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy), assigned to spend a year protecting opposite sides of a mysterious – misty – canyon and prevent whatever is at the bottom from getting out. In the process, they fall in love. (Streaming - Apple TV+)
Good Night and Good Luck (Clooney, 2005). TV journalist Edward R. Murrow (David Strathairn) takes on Senator Joseph McCarthy at the height of the ‘red scare’ in American politics. (Free Streaming - Māori+)
Nights' resident screen critic Dan Slevin's selections Photo: supplied