Image from Lisa Reihana’s In Pursuit of Venus (infected) Photo: Lisa Reihana
In the first episode of Aotearoa Futurism: Space Maori and Astronesians, we heard from artists like Che Fu, Mara TK and his father, Billy TK Snr, who reflected on their use of science fiction and technology as musicians of indigenous and Pacific diaspora.
In part two our hosts Sophie Wilson and Dan Taipua meet Maori and Pasefika artists who are not only modernising, but futurising the image of contemporary Maori and Pacific diaspora in Aotearoa, beginning with the teen thrash-metal band, Alien Weaponry; MC turned game developer, Billy Herotech, through to writer Dr Karlo Mila, and multimedia artists Lisa Reihana and Coco Solid.
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Music details
Artist: Alien Weaponry
Song: Hipocrite, Never As It Seems
Composer: Alien Weaponry
Album: Zego Sessions EP
Label: private
Artist: Alien Weaponry
Song: Ruana te Whenua
Composer: Alien Weaponry
Album: Unreleased
Label: Private
Artist: Billy Fluid
Song: Piwakawaka, Lady of my Life, Chasing Moonlight
Composer: E. Hillman
Album: Unreleased
Label: Private
Artist: 4ourmulafourfour
Song: Breaking Sand Castles, Our Last Kiss, One Small Step
Composer: 4ourmulafourfour
Album: Unreleased
Label: Private
Artist: Optimus Gryme feat. Billy Fluid
Song: Emotions
Composer: C.Brown, E. Hillman
Album: Unreleased
Label: Private
Artist: Lisa Reihana, James Pinker, Sean Cooper
Song: In Pursuit of Venus [Infected]
Composer: J.Pinker, S.Cooper
Label: Private
Artist: Lisa Reihana, James Pinker
Song: Let There Be Light, Fantastic Egg
Composer: J.Pinker
Label: private
Artist: Lisa Reihana, Angus McNaughton
Song: Hypergirls + Native Portraits + Tauira
Composer: A.McNaughton
Label: Private
Artist: Patea Maori Club
Song: Aku Raukura
Composer: Patea Maori Club
Album: Aku Raukura
Label: Maui
Artist: Badd Energy
Song: Underwater Pyramids
Composer: Badd Energy
Album: Underwater Pyramids
Label: Flying Nun
Artist: Coco Solid
Song: Pacific Rims Mixtape
Composer: J.Hansell
Album: Pacific Rims Mixtape
Label: Private
Artist: Underground Resistance
Song: Transition (Cover for International Women’s Day 2015)
Composer: UR, DJ Violet, Amor, Nightwave, N.Whang, Mamacita, J.Hansell
Label: Private