26 Mar 2022

Gerry Paul 'We've All Got Bones' Kids album

From Music 101, 2:20 pm on 26 March 2022

Gerry, who has played music at over 500 festivals in 40 countries around the world with some of the top names in folk music, moved back to Aotearoa in 2012 and needing a change from life on the road, wrote and released a children’s book and song “Hank the Wrestling Shark”. The book went on to sell more than 4000 copies and the song won the Grand Prize in the John Lennon Songwriting Contest.

“It’s a wee tune that says underneath it all, doesn’t matter if you’re big or small, we’ve all got the same old bones holding us up and we’re all subject to the same vulnerabilities. Of course it’s a bit less serious than that”.

He speaks to Yadana Saw about his new release We've All Got Bones, which features the talents of Riki Gooch and backing vocals from The Staves

Artist: Gerry Paul

Song: We've All Got Bones

Composer: Gerry Paul

Album: We've All Got Bones

Label: Private