Anastazia Raymond and Nigel King Photo: RNZ Cosmo Kentish-Barnes
Environment Southland's farm plan is being taken up by an increasing number of farmers.
So far, more than 400 farmers have been offered free, farm-specific environmental management advice through the plan.
They can also apply for up to $5,000 towards implementing some of the recommendations.
Sheep farmer Nigel King was surprised at what he discovered about his farm.
Initially he became involved to get funding to fence off his waterways but while doing the plan he discovered old kahikatea trees growing in pockets of native bush on his property.
Now he plans to fence them off.
He was guided through the process by Environment Southland land sustainability officer, Anastazia Raymond.
"We're really keen to share good management practices that you can do on farm, simple things that don't usually cost a lot to do" she says.