23 Jun 2023

Sofar gigs re-launched in Aotearoa

From Afternoons, 1:45 pm on 23 June 2023

Back in 2009, two friends in London hosted a gig in their flat - and their mates loved it so much, that it sparked a network of secret concerts around the world.

Sofar Sounds stages performances featuring upcoming artists, in intimate spaces. It could be an old church, an art gallery, and more often than not, someone's house.

Music lovers who are lucky enough to get a spot only find out the location 36 hours in advance.

It's recently relaunched in New Zealand after a long Covid hiatus - Keeley Lash is an organiser for the Auckland-based events. She speaks to Jesse.

Audience with hands raised at a music festival and lights streaming down from above the stage.

Photo: 123RF

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