Tongan cabinet minister, 'Akosita Lavulavu, and her husband, 'Etuate, are now in Tongatapu's Hu'atolitoli Prison.
Jailed for fraud they have lost a bid for bail as they prepare for an appeal in March.
The Lord Chief Justice Michael Whitten denied them bail, ruling he doubted their prospects for success on appeal.
The Lavulavus had run the 'Unuaki 'o Tonga Royal Institute, but falsified the number of students enrolled when applying for vocational education training grants, pocketing the state money the school was sent.
Our Tonga correspondent, Kalafi Moala, says this is the first successful corruption case before the courts in years and he senses the people are delighted at the outcome.
"I would say the majority of people are absolutely rejoicing. The mood is finally justice has been served and there is a restoration of the rule of law," he said Photo: RNZI/Koroi Hawkins
Moala said there has been a lot of discussion about corruption for many years but little action.
Another feature is the backing the Lavulavu's have been receiving from the Prime Minister Pohiva Tu'i'onetoa.
'Etuate Lavulavu Photo: Facebook
The prime minister has been very supportive and refused to dump 'Akosita from cabinet, even after she was convicted.