Habitat for Humanity will soon expand their post disaster shelter research into Vanuatu after developing a comprehensive planning tool in Fiji over the past year.
Photo: Suplplied/Habitat for Humanity Fiji
The agency is working with Australian aid agencies to develop a resource that will improve co-ordination and logistics during crisis times after natural disasters.
Project Manager in Fiji Doreen Narayan said the new plan comes from wide consultation, including vulnerable groups such as disabled people and women, who may suffer more after natural disasters.
She said it will be more efficient and help make better decisions in emergencies.
"So it actually looks at going beyond tarps and tents here. We actually look at the solutions plus the processes as well.
"So it's more about looking at the country specific information, what is more appropriate and contextual and acceptable in communities. We are taking a very inclusive and consolidated approach right from the beginning."
Ms Narayan says the physical handbook and online tool gives best-practice shelter solutions, identifies country specific supply chains, and community resources for use by humanitarian response agencies.