Well over half of the MPs in Solomon Islands new parliament are facing court challenges over their election.
Photo: RNZI/Koroi Hawkins
Yesterday was the final day for petitions to be lodged with the High Court.
The court registrar said 28 of the country's 50 MPs have had petitions filed against them.
Under the country's new Electoral Act the court must hear and rule on petitions within a year of submission.
The rulings cannot be appealed.
The time constraint places an extra burden on an already strained court system and the registrar says judges have been directed to prioritise election petitions.
Several have already been listed for their first hearing.
The electoral commissioner Mose Saitala earlier said he expected there would be more election petitions this year because the new act provided more scope and clarity around what constitutes an electoral offence.
Court list of MPs facing election petitions and their constituencies
- Augustine Auga - Lau Mbaelelea
- Titus Mokofi Fika - West Kwaio
- Jamie Vokia - North East Guadalcanal
- Jackson Fiulaua - Central Kwara'ae
- Manaseh Maelanga - East Malaita
- Anthony Veke - West Guadalcanal
- Senley Filualea - North Malaita
- John Maneniaru - West Are'are
- Stanley Sofu - East Kwaio
- Peter Kenilorea Jr - East Are'are
- Dickson Mua - Savo & Russel
- Lanelle Tanagada - Gizo & Kolombangara
- Silas Kerry Vagara - West New Georgia & Vonavona
- Danny Phillip - South New Georgia, Rendova & Tetepare
- Peter Shanel Agovaka - Central Guadalcanal
- John Moffat Fugui - Central Honiara
- Sam Iduri - West Kwara'ae
- Makario Tagini - Baegu & Asifola
- Robertson Galokale - South Choiseul
- Namson Tran - West Honiara
- Derick Manuari - West Makira
- Douglas Ete - East Honiara
- Frederick Kologeto - South Vella La Vella
- Mathew Wale - Aoke & Langalanga
- Bradley Tovosia - East Guadalcanal
- Bartholomew Parapolo - Ngella
- Rex Ramofafia - Fataleka
- Freda Tuki Soria Comua - Temotu Vatu