A protest is planned on Norfolk Island this week over concerns that the island is unnecessarily importing rock to rebuild the airport runway.
Norfolk Island Photo: AFP
Protest leader Cherie Nobbs said everyone recognised that the runway needed upgrading but she is asking why can't it be completed using rock from the island.
She said Norfolk Island rock was deemed good enough last time an airport upgrade was done.
"So there is rock available here. There's plenty of reports regarding the availability of rock. If we bring in rock then, according to the email they have sent to the tenderers, they don't feel the need to treat it or quarantine it, so it could be full of all sorts of nasties."
Cherie Nobbs said when sand was imported to nearby Lord Howell Island it had a number of negative environmental impacts.
She, with other concerned people, has taken the matter to the island administration but has not been given a satisfactory response.
The protest is set for Thursday.