Taro supply in Samoa is down and causing concern to government and exporters as demand continues to grow overseas.
A Taro plant Photo: RNZI/Autagavaia Tipi Autagavaia
Agriculture Minister Lopao'o Natanielu Mu'a told KHJ News the ministry had been actively working with farmers to push them to keep on planting taro.
Exporters said they had noticed the short supply and this has raised the cost of buying taro from farmers from an average of $US35 per 20kg bag, to as high as $US90 per 20kg at present.
Taro growers in Savai'i also said they have had problems and wild animals eating their crops and some had taken action against wild pigs in particular, but it hadn't solved the issue.
The minister also said the ministry was working to ensure consistency across the taro industry, and he is looking at developing a commercial taro farming sector - similar to that of the banana sector.