The composer shortly after his morning constitutional. Photo: Bryan Crump
Maybe it's not what you'd usually describe as relaxing, especially when it's performed in the middle of the night, but there's still something quite delightful about this piano performance by George the Cat, the tabby companion of RNZ Concert host Bryan Crump.
We think there's considerable artistry in George's "Impromptu", which has more than a hint of mid-period Stockhausen or early George Crumb. One listener even suggested Messiaen's "Bird Song" pieces for piano which, you might imagine, would be very much to George's taste.
Why not listen to the whole work yourself? It begins with a sforzando chord, and ends with the sound of the front door opening and closing, as George heads off into the night for his after-dark constitutional.
It may not be calming, but we challenge you not to smile.