Vegan Pulled-Jackfruit Burgers

12:00 am on 31 January 2019

Makes 4 burgers

This is the ultimate vegan comfort food.

pulled jackfruit burger

Photo: Connoisseurus Veg


  • 2 cans of jackfruit (available at Countdown)
  • Smoked Paprika
  • Cayenne powder
  • Olive oil
  • BBQ sauce
  • Gherkin
  • Vegannaise (optional)
  • Salsa flavoured cornchips
  • Ciabatta bread rolls


  1. Pre-heat a pan to medium heat with some olive oil and salt.
  2. Open the cans of jackfruit, put in bowl and add smoked paprika
  3. Put the jackfruit into the pan and cook for 5 minutes, occasionally stirring until the jackfruit easily pulls apart, giving the same texture as pulled pork.
  4. Add 6 table spoons of water and 6 tablespoons of your favourite BBQ sauce and add cayenne pepper to taste. (if looking a little dry add more bbq sauce)
  5. Simmer on a slightly lower heat, while you warm the bread rolls.
  6. Spoon the jackfruit into the burger, add gherkin, vegan mayonnaise and cornchips for extra texture.
  7. Enjoy!


From Fredstock

This is from the collecton " Fredstock"

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What's in Season - December




  • Angelica
  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Borage
  • Dill
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Lemon balm
  • Lovage
  • Nasturtium
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Sage
  • Salad burnet
  • Savory
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme
  • Verbena
  • Vietnamese mint