Quick Rhubarb Tart

12:08 am on 22 November 2005


  • filo pastry sheets
  • mascarpone Cheese
  • approximately one tablespoon orange liqueur (Cointreau or Grand Marnier)
  • caster Sugar to taste
  • Rhubarb Compote


To make the flavoured cream mixture, beat the orange liqueur, sugar and mascarpone cheese together to a sweetish, stiff, cream consistency. Taste frequently bearing in mind the required balance of the faint orange flavour and sugar with the sweetness of the rhubarb and accompanying syrup.

Brush some melted butter (unsalted preferably) on to one side of three sheets of the pastry. As you butter them place each sheet on top of each other. Depending on the size of the pastry sheets, cut them into large enough squares to fit into a non-stick muffin pans. Usually a sheet would yield four tart cases. Bake at 180° Celsius for about five minutes or until cases are crisp and slightly browned.

Remove from oven and let cool. When ready to serve put about a heaped tablespoon of the cream mixture into the base of the pastry case. (the amount of cream depends on taste, presentation and size of the cases) and fill with pieces of rhubarb from the compote. Drizzle some of the juice around the plate and serve immediately. A sprig of lemon balm dusted with a little icing sugar is an attractive garnish.

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