Pistachio, Hazelnut, and Chocolate-Studded Cinnamon Meringues in a wood-fired pizza oven

11:30 am on 17 November 2014

Oven environment: 90-110°C

Makes 12


  • 3 egg whites (100g), at room temperature
  • 200g caster sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • ¼ tsp vanilla essence
  • ½ tsp cinnamon
  • 40g dark chocolate, roughly chopped
  • 20g pistachios, roughly chopped
  • 20g hazelnuts, roughly chopped


Find a pot that your machine mixer bowl will sit over and partially fill the pot with water so that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Bring the pot of water up to a simmer.

Put egg whites, sugar, salt and vanilla in the bowl, place over the simmering water and, using a large balloon whisk, whisk until the sugar has fully dissolved. Test by rubbing mix between your fingers (it’ll be about 45°C).

Take off the heat and whisk in machine (or with an electric hand beater) until the bowl is cool and the mixture forms stiff, glossy peaks.

Use a spatula to gently fold in the cinnamon, chocolate and most of the nuts, reserving a quarter to sprinkle on top of the meringues.

Use a tablespoon to place dollops on a baking paper-lined Swiss roll tin. Sprinkle with the remaining nuts.

Dry in the oven, with the door closed, for 45 minutes to one hour until they feel firm and crisp.

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