Basic Polenta

11:30 am on 2 March 2015

This is a nice easy basic polenta to start with. Change the liquid quantities, depending on whether you require a soft polenta or firm polenta. Alternatively allow the liquid to simmer off (evaporate).


Put 2 cups of water to 1 cup polenta in a heavy bottomed pot and heat. Add about 1⁄2 tsp salt to a cup polenta. Stir over a moderate heat until the mixture starts to come free from the bottom of the pot. You can add any of the following to flavour or use your imagination.

  • Fried onions - delicious
  • Mixed herbs - Tuscan seasoning is good
  • Chopped fresh herbs
  • Pesto and walnuts
  • Sun-dried tomatoes
  • Roast veg - small bits
  • Sautéed mushrooms
  • Cheese - parmesan is not too oily

You can use cornmeal, express or coarse polenta which all give a good result.

When cooked put into a wet dish to set. When cold this can be tipped out and cut for cooking on the BBQ or pan or under the grill. Serve topped with salsa, cheese or anything you like.

Soft polenta is also delicious under a saucy dish. Add cheese, butter, olive oil and/or pureed veg when it is cooked and serve straight away while hot. This will set in the pot if left too long. The oil or butter keep it soft.

Experiment with anything you fancy! Fridge leftovers are great… Be creative!

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  • Angelica
  • Basil
  • Chives
  • Borage
  • Dill
  • Horseradish leaves
  • Lemon balm
  • Lovage
  • Nasturtium
  • Marjoram
  • Oregano
  • Sage
  • Salad burnet
  • Savory
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme
  • Verbena
  • Vietnamese mint