Stories by Craig Ashworth
Taranaki Maunga deal gets popular tick
Members of Taranaki's eight iwi have voted to approve the redress deal for the confiscation of Taranaki Maunga negotiated with the Crown.
Māori hopeful health changes will stick despite election
Māori health advocates are optimistic they will retain their new power in the public system even if the National wins October's election.
Parihaka hopeful drillers will be kept off historical lands
Parihaka trustees are optimistic no drilling for oil and gas will be allowed on the pā's historical land, despite silence from the Minister of Energy and Resources.
Final push for Taranaki maunga deal before election
Iwi are making a final bid to get the negotiated redress for the confiscation of Taranaki maunga approved and in front of Parliament before the election.
Cathedral to host 'Super-Awesome Origin Story of Co-Governance' talks
The organiser of a series of talks about co-governance says he wants to dispel needless fears around the issue.
Racecourse scratches anti-co-governance meeting
New Plymouth's racecourse has refused a bid from Stop Co-Governance to hold a meeting at the venue this weekend because of safety worries.
Swap to Māori roll popular in hot Te Tai Hauāuru race
With just days left for Māori voters to change electoral rolls, Te Tai Hauāuru electorate has the second-highest rate of voters swapping to the Māori roll.
Paritūtū could go back to Māori in park revamp
Hapū have been leading an overhaul of the reserve management plan, emphasising Māori values in the future of Paritūtū Centennial Park.
Poutama says shift Taranaki border for councils
Hapū on the northern edge of Taranaki want the regional border shifted south of Mt Messenger so the area becomes part of Waikato region, saying it would better align with Māori boundaries.
Council wants seabed mining banned in NZ
Seabed mining should be banned in New Zealand as any economic benefits won't outweigh the effects of "environmental vandalism", South Taranaki District Council says.
Paltry payouts as bids surge for new council Māori fund
Many applicants fell short of their hopes for a new fund to boost community grants for Māori in New Plymouth after scant council dollars were doled out evenly between bidders.
Hapū and Greenpeace take windmills to appeal court
Several Ngāruahine hapū will be in the Court of Appeal with Greenpeace on Tuesday to seek tighter controls on a wind-powered hydrogen plant in South Taranaki.
Iwi dispute puts council between a rock and a hard place
New Plymouth councillors say they are the meat in the sandwich as they puzzle how to deal with a dispute between two iwi.
You know where we are: Bach owners challenged to meet iwi
Onaero Bay campground bach owners have been invited to meet their local iwi after complaining they were ignored in planning for a revamp of the Taranaki beachfront reserve.
Iwi owner keen on co-management of beach reserve
The iwi that owns a Taranaki beachfront campground reserve is backing a proposal to co-manage its land with the local council.
Taranaki Maunga agreement to be initialled on Friday
Co-governance of the 36,000-hectare park has been hammered out, and a deal over the future of the maunga will not end the need to involve iwi and hapū in running the national park.
Lost species, missing seaweed, dead eels: 40 years on the Taranaki coast
A Parihaka kaumātua who patrols the Taranaki coast says it will take years to recover devastated marine ecosystems.
Underwater survey finds abundant reefs off Pātea coast
A high-tech search of the seabed near Pātea has found an unexpected bounty of reefs teeming with life, alongside a zone targeted by a would-be seabed miner.
Toxic well underlines windmill plan fears in Taranaki
A contaminated well that can no longer supply a marae highlights the fears driving the latest court action against a wind-to-hydrogen plant.
Taranaki kaimoana ban given legal teeth
The government has banned collection of kaimoana from 70 kilometres of the Taranaki coast, giving legal backing to a rāhui that hapū placed on the area in January.
Hapū and Greenpeace back to court for stricter hydrogen rules
Some hapū of Ngāruahine are heading to the Appeal Court with Greenpeace to seek tighter controls on a plan to make hydrogen from wind-powered electricity in South Taranaki.
Māori sail visit closes century old circle
A traditionally-woven Māori sail is coming to Urenui this weekend, completing a circle begun a century ago.
Ambitious iwi-council multiuse centre inches closer
A joint iwi-council bid to build a multipurpose community and sports centre in Manāia is a step closer to reality.
Māori wards did not inspire voters: What next to boost democracy?
Māori wards have been only half successful in Taranaki, with voter turnout for the new wards a third lower than overall turnout across the region.
'Loss of land and loss of life': Ngāti Maru apology highlights devastation of land theft
Of the 171 tupuna of Ngāti Maru iwi living between 1880 and 1920 only half have descendants who survive today.