Stories by Andrew McRae
'She was just a nasty, nasty woman' - Abuse ignored by govt agency
A woman, who moved between numerous foster care placements during her state care, says the then Social Welfare Department was a faceless agency that did not take responsibility for those in its care.
Woman abused at home and in care - 'I don't understand why nobody did anything'
A woman abused at home and in foster care says all she really wants is for people to hear her story and that her abuse never happens again to any other child.
Abuse in care inquiry: 'He would use his fists, hit me with objects'
As a boy of nine, Hemi McCallum found himself in the foster care of a man who he believed would eventually kill him, the inquiry into abuse in care has been told.
'You just hope it would never happen again': Abuse in Care inquiry to begin
The state foster-care system comes under the scrutiny of the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care, in its 12th public hearing so far on historical abuse in state and faith-based care.
'The only thing we have ever got back'- family mystery behind photo on the wall
A family photo on the wall led a Blenheim woman on a mission to discover what happened to her uncle in World War II.
'That's just pure dusty dirt': Minimal rain causes heartache for Waikato farmers
The deceptive nature of having green pastures but very little growth is causing heartache for Waikato farmers.
Founders Theatre to be demolished after late bid to save it fails
The Hamilton City Council has voted to demolish the Founders Theatre after a lengthy debate.
Is it safe or will it go? Fate of Hamilton theatre hangs in the balance
Community groups in Hamilton are on tenter-hooks awaiting a decision from the Hamilton City Council on the future of the Founders Theatre.
Hamilton mayor to be challenged by deputy at upcoming election
While local elections are still five months away, the fight for the top job in Hamilton is heating up with the current mayor being challenged by her deputy.
World-first recreation of ancient Egyptian garden opens in Hamilton
The garden is based on a typical temple from the middle kingdom period 2040 BCE to 1782 BCE and hieroglyphics adorn the entrance way.
'The vision was to give voice to our ancestors': Māori battle story brought to life
An iwi has re-created the trenches and a fortified pā to help tell the true story of the Battle of Rangiriri in November, 1863.
NZ and French veterans' organisations sign MOU
The French and New Zealand organisations representing veterans of the armed services have agreed to help one another's members.
'Made a bad situation worse': Russia tariffs set to hit fertiliser prices
Farmers will face increased costs for fertiliser as global demand is affected by import bans and tariff hikes imposed on Russia.
Child sex abuse operation: Level of offending much higher than before - investigator
DIA digital child exploitation team manager Tim Houston said the volume of cases had been much higher than in previous operations, but he was not sure if it was just the tip of an iceberg.
Sanctions will drive rethink on dealing with Russia - trade lawyer
Companies who do business with Russia are struggling due to sanctions imposed on the country by nations around the world.
'Where was their shame decades ago?' - abuse survivors advocate
The Abuse in Care inquiry has heard the final submissions on its hearing into historical abuse at Marylands School in Christchurch.
Survivor tells Abuse in Care inquiry alcohol 'eased the pain'
A survivor of abuse at the hands of the Catholic Order of St John of God has told the Royal Commission of Inquiry about his treatment at Marylands School - saying he was "interfered with" as soon as…
Archbishop accepts Catholic Church needs to take responsibility for historical abuse
Catholic Archbishop Paul Martin accepts that abuse survivors want the church to take responsibility and not just leave it to the order that may have been involved.
Marylands child abuse 'cause of deep shame and sorrow' - Archbishop
Stories from survivors of abuse at Marylands School are heartbreaking, says Catholic Archbishop Paul Martin.
St John of God deny cover-up of historical abuse
The head of the St John of God Order in Oceania has denied that a lack of documents relating to historical allegations of abuse at Marylands School was a cover-up.
Marylands School abuses: Order's leader apologises
The head of the St John of God Catholic Order in Oceania has apologised to the survivors of historical abuse at Marylands School in Christchurch.
Abuse survivors fear Catholic Church's power - advocate
The Abuse in Care inquiry has been told survivors of historical abuse live in fear of the power of the Catholic Church.
St John of God in denial over abuse allegations - former nun
A clinical psychologist who met abuse survivors of the Catholic-run Marylands School in Christchurch in the early 2000s believes the St John of God Order was in denial there was even a problem.
Abuse survivor wants 'genuine apology' from St John of God
A survivor of abuse at a home for at-risk youth in Christchurch in the 1990s says he felt too "ashamed and embarrassed" to speak out about it at the time.
Marylands School abuses like 'open slather' at 'butchers shop'
A former student of Marylands School in Christchurch has described it as a meat market with a rampant sexual culture.